了解潜在的高中是一个令人兴奋的过程,但有时具有挑战性. 当你准备高中申请程序时, we encourage you to learn about Fenwick, by attending an open house, 在下面安排一个阴影日,把你的问题发给我们. 我们也希望你能参加我们全年举办的许多其他活动,如运动会和文艺演出. 八年级学生谁觉得esball世博是合适的选择,并希望申请, 必须在esball世博参加大主教管区入学考试才能被考虑录取. The exam is held each year in early December.
You can also fill out an Admissions Inquiry and we will be in touch with you.
List of 4 members.
Patrick Jacobsen
Director of Admissions
Kathleen O'Laughlin
Asst. Director of Admissions
Stephanie Corey
Asst. Director of Admissions
Catherine "Cathy" Kaszuba
Shadow Day Coordinator
Upcoming Admission Events
Percussion / Jazz Festival
Jazz Band Workshop Description 与我们的中学工作坊一起沉浸在爵士乐的世界里,“在和谐中尽情享受”. 这种亲身体验向学生介绍爵士乐的节奏奇迹, covering swing, syncopation, and the art of improvisation. 学生将参加由esball世博爵士乐队导演安德鲁·泽尔姆领导的团体合奏. 不需要爵士经验和所有乐队乐器, including woodwind, brass, piano, guitar, and bass, are welcome to attend. 参加者必须自备乐器,钢琴除外.
Percussion Workshop Description 这种实践经验将向学生介绍组成打击乐器合奏的许多不同乐器. 学生将学习演奏乐器,并参加节奏工作坊, 作为一个团队演奏和计算节奏和凹槽. At the end of the workshop, 学生将使用他们新发现的技能和知识来表演打击乐器合奏作品! 工作坊的参与者将与esball世博打击乐老师卢卡斯·吉兰合作. 不需要有打击乐或乐器经验. Instruments will be provided.
我们每年的新生之夜作为一个很好的机会,了解更多的详细信息在esball世博的日常生活! Topics often covered include: transportation, technology (ie: iPads), curriculum, dress code, athletics/activities registrations & requirements, school safety, and a lot more!
二级语言考试将于4月24日星期三下午3:15举行.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Fenwick. 将提供法语、德语、意大利语、拉丁语、普通话和西班牙语的分班考试. Students should be registered by Sunday, April 19th. Students taking the test should wait in the atrium, 自带写作材料,完成后可以自由离开.
The Optional Math Placement 2028届的考试将于5月8日星期三举行. 学生可以在下午3:30到4:15到Fenwick报到开始考试. Please register here no later than Friday, May 5.
学生将被要求携带自己的用品-铅笔(用橡皮擦削尖)和计算器. The school will provide scratch paper. Students will have 80 minutes to complete the test, 尽管他们最快可以在40分钟内完成测试. 测试结果将用于决定学生在几何荣誉课程中的位置, Algebra 1 Honors, or Algebra 1. Content will include, but is not limited to:
Simplifying Algebraic and Numeric Expressions
Solving/Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities
Solving Systems of Equations/Inequalities
Simplifying Exponential and Polynomial Expressions
我们每年的新生之夜作为一个很好的机会,了解更多的详细信息在esball世博的日常生活! Topics often covered include: transportation, technology (ie: iPads), curriculum, dress code, athletics/activities registrations & requirements, school safety, and a lot more!